Collocations Search



  • common law

    There are passages from other common law jurisdictions.
  • common sense

    Plain English makes common sense!
  • common market

    Its aims included the establishment of a common market with the harmonization of economic policy and regional trade liberalization.
  • common ground

    It is common ground that none of the instances in which criminal jurisdiction is conferred on the Court of Appeal by section 13(3) is material to the present case.
  • have in common

    What language would we have in common?
  • very common

    Er, reaction formation, that's a very common one.
  • common practice

    It is common practice to deal with specific facts affecting the Business in the Disclosure Letter rather than in the Agreement itself.
  • little in common

    It was just that we had so little in common.
  • common experience

    Is that your common experience that that young men aren't aren't really up to this?
  • under the common

    The use of standard conditions gives rise to two special problems under the common law.
  • less common

    these forms are less common than the B strain in the UK, but have been the cause of epidemics in other areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • common problem

    A A sudden relapse into bedwetting is a very common problem at Lucy's age.
  • common among

    It is equally possible that these officials were billeted on local householders, a practice which became increasingly common among Roman army units in the late empire.
  • common object request

  • most common form

    Also, the policy covers children born with trisomy 21, which is the most common form of Down's syndrome.
  • common external tariff

    Benelux, for instance, had already moved forward to setting up a low common external tariff with no internal tariffs.
  • common base

    Vertical loyalties within groups are taken to be the common base for the preservation of conformity as each individual knows their place and takes on a role consistent with that place.

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