Collocations Search



  • text recognition

    Linguistic information in text recognition systems
  • text book

    Sociology by Anthony Giddens the text book for the nineties.
  • full text

    The themes which are highlighted in this paper follow the same order as the full text of the Lineamenta, and are covered under the headings of the three main parts.
  • literary text

    It still remains the case pace Freeman that a literary text like King Lear is not definitively explicable.
  • original text

    Textual criticism is concerned with recovering the original text of a document.
  • target text

    English target text:
  • source text

    The source text is English.
  • text should

    A four-fold procedure could be used: first, the text should be read silently; second, it should be re-told or described by the child to the teacher; next the text should be read aloud, with the teacher marking miscues on a duplicate copy; finally the text should be discussed in more detail with the teacher.
  • text being

    This is due to factors relating to both the design of the dictionary from which the definitions are taken, and the purpose of the text being recognised.
  • block of text

    Highlight the first block of text and get rid of the italics.
  • text file

    This way you don't need an editor to view a text file.
  • page of text

  • text does

    If the text does not of itself suggest lines of further investigation, Appendix 5 may be consulted.
  • text and graphics

    A VGA display has the ability to support both text and graphics.

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