Collocations Search



  • animals were

    The animals were well fed.
  • farm animals

    Patrick Sutherland estimates that of 170 million farm animals in Britain ‘about two thirds never walk on or eat grass’(1989: 62).
  • animals have

    where animals have usually four legs
  • animals being

    The system of utilisation, that is, might be reformed, with a view to improving the welfare of the animals being utilised.
  • animals and plants

    It is not only the environment but also the animals and plants that inhabit it that display rhythms.
  • use of animals

    3. monitor and respond to anti-vivisection propaganda, provide information to the media about the use of animals in research and train speakers to take part in debates, discussion programmes, interviews, etc.
  • animals in research

    3. monitor and respond to anti-vivisection propaganda, provide information to the media about the use of animals in research and train speakers to take part in debates, discussion programmes, interviews, etc.
  • where animals

    where animals have usually four legs
  • carnivorous animals

    To this end he urges the setting up of carefully landscaped mountains and waterless deserts in the main centres of population, and their stocking with carnivorous animals and poisonous reptiles.
  • animals like

    But when you see animals like Max become a teddy bear, it seems worthwhile.
  • animals are often

    In the first place, today animals are often intensively reared, housed indoors under what are, for them, highly unnatural conditions.
  • animals should

    He adds that any killing of animals should be painless, and their use in experiments restricted as far as possible to ‘the less highly organised’ creatures.
  • only animals

    Darwin brought not only animals but man himself into the evolutionary scheme.
  • small animals

    That is, as far as small animals are concerned.
  • most animals

    To most animals, the clarity of each image is at least as important as the number per second, and many have found ways of sharpening up the picture.
  • draught animals

    It is hard to distinguish any specific impact of the introduction of plough agriculture and draught animals by the Spanish after AD 1521.

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