Collocations Search



  • nurse home

  • nurse staff

  • nurse care

  • residential and nursing

    Fact no 11,Income Support for residential and nursing homes , has been updated.
  • private nursing

    Yes and then er I wanted to change and I wanted to do private nursing
  • college of nursing

    If you are familiar with your local school or college of nursing then you can write to the director of nurse education for information on courses run, entry requirements and availability of places.
  • nurse homes

  • medical and nursing

    Finally, both staff and residents must be able to summon skilled medical and nursing help very quickly both day and night.
  • community nursing

    An HVA spokesman added: ‘We deplore this attack on community nursing.
  • nurse studies

  • nurse standard

  • british nursing

  • chief nursing

    Chester Woffard, director of in-patient services and chief nursing executive at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut, said ‘downsizing’ was a US ‘national phenomenon’.
  • clinical nursing

    Help in finding your way around postbasic opportunities via clinical nursing studies courses and other aspects of career development can be found in Jill Baker's book What Next ?
  • back to nursing

    Via a back to nursing course organised by a nursing employment agency.

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