Collocations Search



  • bad weather

    There was so much bad weather!’
  • weather conditions

    Don't adjust your set’, say the know-alls, ‘It's due to abnormal weather conditions.’
  • when the weather

    yeah well it did didn't it when the weather's like that
  • cold weather

    It's cold weather in any case.
  • hot weather

    Maxim drove it slowly, en-joying the first real countryside he had been in since the hot weather began.
  • warm weather

    Everything came to life in the summer with the warm weather and long days.
  • weather forecasts

    Audio tapes weather forecasts (warning islanders or people on board ship of a storm).
  • dry weather

    Water young plants as necessary in dry weather.
  • weather did

    The weather did not help.
  • wet weather

    that there's wet weather most of the year
  • inclement weather

    Ken was delighted to have completed the walk, despite inclement weather conditions he said he saw some of the best scenery in the British Isles.
  • weather forecast

    Audio tapes weather forecasts (warning islanders or people on board ship of a storm).
  • weather forecasting

    (Well, since she's given up weather forecasting in favour of presenting The Gladiat-ors.)

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