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  • feel like

    It makes me feel like a woman
  • make you feel

    Men, there are men who hate women, I agree with that but there are men who love and respect a a th what a woman is for how how good and and stre , the strength of women who can make you feel good and who who gives you the power of being able to be yourself and I I'm sorry I I, that is part of it, I think there are two sides.
  • feel so

    I feel sorry
  • begin to feel

  • i feel i

  • people feel

    Are there any others which people feel ought to be added to that list?
  • do you feel

    How do you feel about it?"
  • feel a bit

    Well that's probably the vodka that makes you feel sick, if you drunk other things you might feel a bit better.
  • feel sorry

    I feel sorry
  • get the feel

    To be able to get the feel of canter half-pass, pirouettes and flying changes was absolutely amazing!
  • feel when

    ‘It is a foolish idea, but one cannot help thinking that the mortal remains can still feel when the immortal soul is gone.
  • i do feel

  • i can feel

  • still feel

    We still feel a nostalgia.
  • feel the need

    Equally, at times, adolescents feel the need to ‘escape’ and to be on their own.
  • how you feel

    Give them time, and then feed back to them how you feel about the way they are behaving towards you day-to-day.
  • feel better

    Well, I feel better than I was, but I've been at Haywoods Heath which was a religious community


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