Collocations Search



  • just before

    Another director also born just before the turn of the century was John Harlow.
  • have just

    We can buff them until they shine, or you can have just a natural erm base coat on just to give it a shine.
  • just have

    You just have to feel sorry for him.
  • just like

    But Hibs spoiled the party, just like Leicester City at Ayresome Park four years ago.
  • just sit

    I'll just sit down for a moment.’
  • just because

    All the crew here think the Indians are fantastically primitive just because they don't have radios.
  • just got

    ‘Hell, I've just got another parking fine.
  • only just

    I just, I've only just this minute written another
  • just below

    Then, do you remember Chief Justice Mosley who lived just below us?
  • be just

    Historians or philosophers would be just as good, provided they were not actually hostile to religion.
  • just how

    However, what does seem remarkable is just how little effort was made to pursue the thieves after the theft was discovered.
  • just try

    Finally, just try to wrench your trolley to pieces.
  • just a little

    ‘It's nothing, just a little cut, that's all.’
  • just make

    So he'd just make it
  • just do

    Yeah, it just doesn't
  • rather than just

    In the nervous nineties, when the Me generation has grown into the Us generation, we will be looking for Our Shop rather than just an emporium where they stock personal stereos by the thousand.
  • just two

    And that had been just two years ago.
  • just above

    Production from the PSC is currently just above 40,000 bopd (9,600 bopd net to LASMO).
  • just wanted

    I expect he just wanted to make us very ill.’
  • just a few

    His query concerns a 2-iron which his local pro reckoned might be worth more than just a few bob.

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